
A Bit About Tramping

Tramp: in which travelers to New Zealand go hiking to a hut in the Kiwi wilderness.

What to bring: 
-pack liner
-clothes (warm, easily dried)
-food (snacks, lunch, dinner, breakfast)
-dishes for food
-sleeping bag
-hut ticket*

What to wear: 
-layers, to take off or put on as needed
-leggings with shorts on top
-wool socks
-hiking shoes

*hut ticket: in essence, your room and board fare once you arrive at the hut. Hut tickets are purchased in town, and inserted into box in hut upon arrival. Essentially a way to fund the upkeep of the huts.

Hut: A building in which trampers stay overnight. Facilities available vary, but most include tap rainwater (filtered, but extra sterilization is highly recommended) and designated sleeping/eating areas.

How to Tramp in the New Zealand Wilderness:
1) Pack non-food items (sleeping bag, extra plastic bags, clothes, etc)
2) Pack food items (snacks, lunch, dinner, breakfast...in that order)
3) Pack water
4) Go to bed.
5) Wake up early and energized
6) Double check everything
7) Arrive to designated meeting place slightly late
8) Drive to carpark near trail entrance.
9) Assemble gear and head off!
10) Find lots of trees and rocks.
11) Tramp
12) Take pictures
13) Tramp
14) Drink water
14) Tramp
15) Eat lunch
16) Tramp
17) Arrive at hut!*
18) Take pictures
19) Make dinner
20) Bond with fellow trampers
21) Sleep
22) Wake up and head out!

*Note: May take 2-6 hours, depending on trail difficulty and terrain. 

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